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Release Notes Winter 2022


EMail banners release-07

The Winter 2022 release of Engage Process is planned for Wednesday 9 March 2022.

This release will automatically be active for all users of Engage Process.

Should you experience a problem in one of our applications on the release day (9 March), first try the following:

  • Press the following three buttons simultaneously: <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <Del>;
  • Then indicate you want to delete only images and documents in the cache.

These steps will usually solve any problems. If you have tried these steps and you’re still experiencing a problem, you know you can reach us at support@engageprocess.com or, if you need immediate assistance, you can call us on 020 530 7280.

Enjoy discovering the new possibilities!


  • More options for Central Tables

Increasingly, we see that our customers are using central tables and the possibilities they offer. Among other uses, central tables make it possible to provide a place for risks with the associated control measures, GDPR-related information, and the like — but also to make the data flows more transparent — while mapping your processes. To better facilitate this use, from this release you can:

  • indicate whether a self-created table type (i.e., field) in the Admin Center should behave as the table type ‘Documents. For any type of document (such as a work instruction, a checklist, or an SLA), you can display your own field in the Modeler with one or more tables of linked documents of that type behind this field.
  • indicate whether the contents of the tables of a self-created table type (i.e., field) in the Admin Center can be used in a process step’s ‘Input/Output. This makes it possible to make data flows within your process even more transparent.

Naturally, the reporting options with regards to documents and input/output have been adjusted for these new options.

  • Launch of Knowledge Center for users of Engage Process

In the current version of our software, you have access to the manual, instructional videos, the Knowledge Base, etc. by clicking on the tab ‘Help’ or on our logo (depending on the application). Only within the manual was there a search function. With the launch of our new Knowledge Center, we’re bringing all these resources together so you can search for all contents. So, it will then be easier to get an answer to your question! In addition, we are also making even more material accessible, and this will only be expanded in the future. For now, the contents will consist of:

  • manuals;
  • instructional videos;
  • configurations;
  • the Release Notes of the past 4 releases;
  • whitepapers;
  • access to the ‘Examples Library’ (the current Knowledge Base).

The current Knowledge Base will therefore also be revamped. Its new name will be ‘Examples Library’. All configurations and Whitepapers can be found in the new Knowledge Center and no longer in the Examples Library (the current Knowledge Base).

In the Examples Library, you will only find example processes and examples of overviews, such as those which can be created in the Publisher. You can download the contents of this Examples Library so that you can import processes/overviews into your own Engage Process environment.

  • A couple of changes have been made to the user interface, including some name changes. These changes are mostly noticable in the Admin Center and Modeler. This can have an impact on materials that have users have created themselves.


  • The authorisation module has been expanded so that you can now also indicate (in advance) the authorisation for the contents of a folder — even when this folder does not yet have any contents. One of the advantages of doing this is that you can set up the folder structure within a project so that administrators can modify this structure, but regular users cannot. A regular user can or may do only certain things within the previously defined folders.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.

  • The editor for texts with layout — the Rich Text Editor — has been further improved. This can now better handle layout combinations and the recognition of the current layout in the ‘Description’ and ‘Remarks’ fields, among other improvements.
  • It is possible to expand or collapse all process links in a process in one go by right-clicking in the process and selecting this option.
  • The layout of the ‘Project settings’ window has been modified for a better user experience. You’ll find this window by clicking on the tab ‘File’ and then selecting ‘Project settings’. Depending on your authorisation, you will or will not see this option.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.

  • In the project settings, it is possible to determine whether the table values must be displayed along with the table name. If this setting is activated, it gives you the ability to:
    • use tables for subdividing/categorising table lines, such as roles in certain teams.
    • distinguish between table lines with the same name in different tables — for example, the role ‘manager’ in the ‘Finances’ roles table and ‘HR’ roles table.
    • create swimlane views based on table name, for simple insight. For example: which step is performed by which team (based on roles).
  • When entering input and output, now your own table types can be used and the structure with tables will be clearly displayed.
  • In some cases, a ‘preview’ of your process is displayed by the Modeler so your own layout within the process is not deleted. You can then click on the button ‘Apply this layout to continue to work on the process as shown in the preview. By doing this, any layout modifications made are lost. In this new release, however, a version of the process in the previous layout will be automatically created so that you can always revert to this previous layout. This way, you can never (accidentally) lose your own layout. You can view and retrieve the previous versions of, for example, your process via the tab ‘Collaboration’ and the button ‘Show history’.
  • For RASCI reports — just as with Cross References reports — you can now determine whether these reports must include the information from linked processes.
  • The icon displayed at your process when a (diagram) filter is active has been modified. It now has a less prominent appearance and is located at the top left instead of at the top right. When you click on it, you’ll see a menu with the various filter options.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.

  • The exchange of data between the Modeler and your robotics workflow or (process) architecture application has been improved. Specifically, the BPMN export has been expanded and now also contains all information from the tables and table rules used. This makes the Modeler even more suitable for quickly and easily designing blueprints for the automation of processes or parts of processes. You can download a process as a BPMN file by clicking on the tab ‘File’ at the top left and then on ‘Save as’ and selecting ‘Export’.

Reports, including process reports

  • The exports to Word and PDF now also contain any images which were entered in the Description, Remarks and/or Annotations fields.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.

  • Cross References reports can now also display the table of roles or documents used or of components in your own table types. Via the tab ‘File’ and the option ‘Print / Report’, it is possible to include your self-created properties at the process level in both the Word and PDF exports.

Modeler / Viewer / Publisher

  • In swimlane views, now when the mouse is on the name of a swimlane, a ‘tool tip’ is displayed which includes the description of the relevant role or other table value on which the swimlane is based. You provide this description in the Admin Center, in the ‘Description’ column of the table.
  • In the indicators under the process steps, both the starting and ending dates can be displayed for more types of process steps.

Viewer/ Viewer App

  • The Viewer App is now available on request as an APK file format. This makes it possible to install the Viewer App on Android tablets without going through the Google Play Store.
  • The Viewer App has been modified for compatibility with iOS 15.
  • The icons which display the status of the approval of a process are now indicated in front of the process name so that they are more visible for processes with long names.


    • The Viewer App is now available on request as an APK file format. This makes it possible to install the Viewer App on Android tablets without going through the Google Play Store.
    • The Viewer App has been modified for compatibility with iOS 15.
    • The icons which display the status of the approval of a process are now indicated in front of the process name so that they are more visible for processes with long names.

    Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.

Admin Center

  • In the component ‘Tables’, it is now possible to create your own table types based on the standard table type ‘Documents’. This means that extra properties can be saved for these table types and that they can be used anywhere the standard table type ‘Documents’ is used. You can indicate this by creating/modifying a table type using the field ‘Based on’.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.

  • The options at ‘Scope’ of a table type have been expanded. It is now possible to set per table type whether this can also be indicated as input and output for a process step.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.

  • The description which can be entered per table line now supports layout. Among other things, this means that hyperlinks, such as to extensive internal documentation for role-job descriptions, can easily be added here.
  • It is possible to copy tables within the same table type. This is useful if, say, there are many different teams with the same roles in each team. To do this, select the table you want to copy and press the button ‘Copy table at the top right.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.

  • In the ‘notifications’ component, you can set whether the e-mails with regards to approval must or specifically must not be sent.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.


  • It is now possible to select multiple archived items and to replace or delete them in one go.
  • It is possible to have long text fields automatically grow based on their contents. This enables most entry forms to remain significantly more compact.
  • It is possible to also delete self-added work item types at the Board configurations. You can see the Board Configurations by clicking on the gear icon next to the name of the board at the top of the application.


  • The ability to receive access to the new Knowledge Center via the tab ‘Help’, or by clicking on our logo (depending on the application), will be added to all our applications.

Note! This may affect self-created material for the support of the users of Engage Process within your organisation.